
Salps, Euphorbia ammak cacti, sea anemones, Nymphaeaceae, Atlantic ocean blue, Grünewald forest autumnal display, Namaqualand in August glory with ixias and goublomme carpeting hills.
CLiT, Fight Nazis, ADHS, Fuck (outline of penis and testes) ____, within this Brandenburg region there is a high incidence of ‘Fuck Hertha’, tags and tags and tags interfering into each others’ territory and claiming and erasing in drip heavy spray paint.

The summer of 2023 situated as a growing discomfort.
Fires, floods, earthquakes.
Climate change is now spoken of as an urgency, its presence announced to First World countries and so, indeed, it must be a real thing. Cities of concrete and air-conditioned comfort shaping and trapping heat.

I live in one of these cities of ever-rolling street and human dominance.
The buildings are pockmarked with tags of desire for recognition, marking territorial boundaries.
There are recognisable symbols and words, joining one through multiple kieze.
At times, the harmony of palette between spray paint and surface sprayed on is picturesque.

Graffiti tags from Berlin are meshed, mashed and then imposed on organic scenes, probing our underlying need to establish a sense of identity and belonging, as well as signify group affiliation within subcultures.
The act of enforcing one’s own symbolic identifier within the public space? May we be seen.

The universe of the organic exists within its own system marked by change yet by itself is free from the influences of consciousness imposing ownership and philosophical angst of being remembered.
It just is.
We alter it.

It would be interesting to see whether these forests or beaches will remain, as pictured, in a few years time or whether these tags on concrete monuments will surpass their longevity.


character coding